Thursday, February 2, 2012

My First English Department Meeting

I call this photo "Fuddy-Duddies at Work."  It's not my picture. I got it from Google images, but it reminds me of the department meetings from my first teaching job. I didn't think I needed to attend dept. meetings.  After all, I already knew everything. What 22 year old doesn't?

But I went to my first meeting with an open mind, all prepared to glean whatever nuggets of wisdom I could from my older colleagues. There was one agenda item; "Composition Writing." The entire hour-long meeting was spent discussing whether or not students should be required to write their compositions in blue ink or black ink. I had no idea there could be that many opinions about ink color, or that there could be such passion about one over the other! They didn't ask me what I thought. They asked me what color I used when I was in high school. I said that my teachers didn't care as long as I had something worthwhile to say. That triggered some harrumphing around the room. They didn't ask me any more questions until several meetings later.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I can definitely relate. Imagine all the time wasted on trivial things in education meetings. To think they were only worried about blue versus black ink – very funny.
